How We Help

Sarah Bradley treating a patient at One Step Ahead Podiatry Whitefield

Podiatrists are Specialists in Foot Care

Foot problems can be painful and emotionally upsetting.

We want you to enjoy your life to the full and not be frustrated or worried about your foot problem.

We are here to help and find a solution. Find out how we can help you below...

Struggling with a stubborn verruca?

The Pain

Verrucae can be painful and unsightly, and we know how difficult they can be to treat.

The Impact

Have you tried everything the chemist has to offer, plus some old wives’ tales, with no success? Is your verruca causing you pain when you walk? Is it stopping you showing off your feet?

If Unresolved

Verrucae can go away on their own, but it can sometimes take many years for the body to recognise the virus. In the meantime, they can spread, and continue to cause pain and embarrassment.

A verruca on a foot

Treatment Options

At One Step Ahead we offer Swift Microwave verruca treatment, a quick and effective treatment that doesn’t require dressings or any changes to your lifestyle. Read more about state-of-the-art Swift treatment.

This treatment isn’t suitable for everyone, so as an alternative we offer Faulkner’s Needling, which involves treatment under a local anaesthetic.

I visited One Step Ahead Podiatry after reading about the Swift treatment. I have suffered with painful verruca on my big toe for a few years and they had deteriorated greatly causing me a lot of pain. I had tried over the counter products and even tried cryotherapy. Nothing worked. Sarah Explained the Swift treatment and I agreed to give it a go. After the 3 scheduled treatments we left it 10 weeks and I cannot believe the results. My verrucas have completely gone!

Uzair Azam

Painful ingrowing toe nails

The Pain

Ingrowing toe nails can be extremely painful and unsightly and can lead to infection.

The Impact

Have you been suffering from an ingrowing toe nail for some time? Have you taken numerous courses of antibiotics without any long-term solution? Are you unable to wear your favourite shoes?

If Unresolved

Ingrowing toe nails will not resolve on their own. Antibiotics can help to resolve the infection for a time but not the cause which is most likely a spike of nail.

An ingrown toenail

Treatment Options

At One Step Ahead Podiatry we can offer conservative treatment to offer instant relief or nail surgery to remove a section of nail under local anaesthetic for a more permanent solution.

I’ve been seeing Sarah over the last 12 months for an ingrowing toe nail problem. Her care and attention and her professionalism has been exemplary. Her after care was thorough and always attentive. I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Sarah for all your podiatry needs.

Wendy Johnson

Bothered by hard skin or painful corns?

The Pain

Hard skin can build up quickly and become painful especially if it cracks around your heels.

Corns can appear where there is increased high pressure, usually from wearing shoes that are too tight or caused by movement.

The Impact

Painful corns and callus can cause you to limp and limit the time you would normally like to walk around the shops for.

If Unresolved

If the callus and corns are left untreated, the hard skin will continue to build up and become more and more painful. Ouch! It can really impact your everyday activities.

Hard skin on a patient's heel

Treatment Options

Corns or callus can be treated with scalpel removal which is painless and gives instant pain relief. We will then look at what is causing the corns and callus and give education and advice.

Fantastic service from One Step Ahead Podiatry. Sarah always provides a very caring and professional approach and is always there to listen to any problems that may be of concern to her patients. I would have no hesitation to recommend her.

Edward Sherwin

Frustrated by foot or ankle pain?

The Pain

Foot or ankle pain can be more than just a nuisance - it can disrupt your daily routines and diminish your overall well-being. The constant discomfort can leave you feeling drained and frustrated, impacting your ability to enjoy life to the fullest.

The Impact

Are you familiar with the feeling of sharp pain in your feet or ankles with each step? Does the thought of walking on uneven surfaces fill you with apprehension? Is pain in your big toe joints cutting your game of golf short or preventing you from enjoying your daily dog walks? These are just a few examples of the challenges individuals face when dealing with foot or ankle pain.

If Unresolved

Your foot and ankle pain can worsen over time, affecting not only your feet but also causing strain on your knees, hips and lower back. Furthermore, the inability to engage in activities you enjoy due to foot pain can take a toll on your mental well-being.

Sarah Bradley of One Step Ahead Podiatry in Whitefield reviewing a patient's gait analysis

Treatment Options

First we will carry out a comprehensive assessment to accurately diagnose the underlying cause of your foot or ankle pain.

From there, we develop a personalised treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. This may include a combination of padding, strapping, footwear recommendations, and targeted stretches and exercises to alleviate discomfort and promote healing.

In some cases, our state-of-the-art Footscan technology may be used to analyse your walking pattern and determine if orthotics (insoles) are necessary. Whether off-the-shelf or custom-made using cutting-edge 3D print technology, our Phits orthotics are crafted to provide the support and stability you need to move with confidence and ease.

Really great, friendly experience and service. Sarah sorted an issue with my foot that I had for several years in three appointments. Would highly recommend.

Peter Hough

Embarrassing fungal nails

The Pain

Fungal nails do not tend to be painful but if the nails are rough and thick, they can catch on your socks and feel uncomfortable in some footwear. They may make you feel miserable and very self-conscious.

The Impact

Do you have yellow nails? Are you embarrassed about going swimming or to your Pilates class? Are you unsure if you have a fungal infection?

If Unresolved

Having a fungal nail infection can lead to athlete’s foot and even fungal infection in the groin area.

Toes with a fungal infection

Treatment Options

Firstly, we'll establish if you have a fungal nail infection. This can be done with a two-minute fungal test.

Then we can treat the nail to make it more presentable and comfortable. We'll follow this with advice on the best treatment. This may include an over the counter product or writing to your GP to discuss oral medication.

I have been delighted with the progress of my fungal nails.  After years of having yellow sections of nails Sarah was able to treat these at my 6 weekly routine appointments, drilling and applying a gel. It took some time but it was worth it.

Thomas Williams

Thick toe nails

The Pain

Thick toe nails can be painful and can be uncomfortable while walking and during your sporting activities.

The Impact

Are you or a family member struggling to cut your own toe nails? Have you cut your toe or got into awkward positions while trying to cut your own toe nails? Are you diabetic and scared to cut your own nails?

There are lots of reasons why people cannot cut their own nails and this is nothing to be ashamed of, we see and hear of it all the time.

If Unresolved

If your nails are not cut, they can start to curl round and dig into your other toes or break off and be very sore.

Toes with thick nails

Treatment Options

Whatever the reason you need professional help with cutting your nails, we can provide focused care for you and make you feel wonderful afterwards.

FAQs for One Step Ahead Podiatry Services

Can a Podiatrist help with a verruca?

Here at One Step Ahead Podiatry, we have an up to date technology developed in the UK called Swift. This machine uses microwaves to create heat in the infected skin to help trigger an immune response to fight the virus that causes a verruca.

How much does it cost for a Podiatry appointment?

Everyone who has not been to see us before needs a New Patient Assessment appointment. This can include a treatment where appropriate. The cost is £45. Further treatments may be more or less than this depending on what is required.

What assessment tools do Podiatrists use?

Our eyes, ears and hands! We will look at the problem, listen to your history and concerns and carry out a hands-on assessment where needed.

In our clinic we also use a dermatoscope to examine skin lesions in detail and a doppler to listen to the circulation in the feet.

Can a Podiatrist help with an ingrowing toenail?

Ingrowing toenails are something we see very regularly. It can be quite straightforward to resolve an ingrown nail, sometimes with a minor surgical procedure done under local anaesthetic. Ingrown nails can be very painful and can stop you enjoying everyday life.

Can a Podiatrist help with fungal nails?

Fungal nails can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. As Podiatrists, we can help to make sure you have a correct diagnosis (other conditions can look similar to fungal nails) and make them look and feel more comfortable. We can advise on medications best suited to treating your problem.

Can a Podiatrist help with Heel Pain?

Podiatrists are skilled in treating heel pain. There are many different causes of heel pain, so an accurate diagnosis is key. Once a diagnosis is reached, your Podiatrist will then provide patient-specific treatment and advice based on your medical and Podiatric history as well as your diagnosis.

Can a Podiatrist help with hard skin or callus?

Podiatrists are highly skilled to deal with hard skin and calluses. A Podiatrist can reduce the callus with a scalpel and file it smooth. We can also give advice on how you can self-manage calluses and recommend an appropriate foot cream for your skin.

A Podiatrist can also look at why you are developing the callus and help prevent it redeveloping by advising on footwear, providing padding and insoles to relieve pressure on the feet.

One Step Ahead Podiatry

225 Bury New Rd
M45 8GW